Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Pregnant people's feelings

I think the entire world is conspiring to make sure I spend the rest of the afternoon sobbing quietly in my cubicle. I know it's the hormones, but I'm not going to take the pregnancy police well. So far, I've been told to stop changing the litterbox, twice; three billion ppl are taking my charge of "don't congratulate me, really," to mean "congratulate me, really," (I don't like surprises, either, remember?) and Dean hates every single name that means anything to me for this child.


doodlemaier said...

Take it easy, Baby. . . We'll get there ♥

emzebel said...

The pregnancy police need to STFU (hence my icon). That was something I had serious issues with too. I did find that a certain amount of ranting and raving made things better. (((hugs)))

the_autumn_knew said...

oh i just want to find you and hug you and hold your hand until your tears stop. ugh, i'm sorry about everyone still saying congrats, when i would look at your FB page, i saw so many people saying it and was like, yo she asked you not to say it. and you aren't coy, you don't say things if you don't mean them. that's got to be so frustrating for you.

dontshootthecat said...

I reminded Dean the other day that you can not be changing the litter box. That is a definite no no, and I just saw a news story on it the other day which reminded me.

Helen said...

And I hear this piece of advice at least 30 times a week. But if I don't change it, no one will. Fortunately, I wear a hazmat suit when I do it.

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