Thursday, April 9, 2009

I thought I would sleep when I was dead.

....but apparently, I will sleep when I'm pregnant.

I'm averaging 11 hours of sleep per day, and last night I got them in one fell swoop, crashing out shortly after I got home at 7. I woke up twice during the night to go to the bathroom--and one of those times, I was staggering out of my bedroom and walked right into my son, who handed me the phone and told me Dean had called. I took the phone, went to the bathroom, and then piled back into bed and slept until about 2:30 in the morning. Tossed and turned for a while, but went back to sleep, although it was a fitful sleep.

I remember having insane insomnia during the third trimester with Kieran, often using late night informercials to keep me company, but I don't remember this kind of fatigue during the first. As Kieran pointed out to me last night, I *was* 21 back then.

Ninacat is funny. She usually is urging us to bed at night, but this morning she's actually trying to get me out of bed. (I'm still in bed right now, actually.) Gotta clean up the kitchen, as dishes have taken it over and I've crashed early both the past two nights and had class the night before--thankfully, Dean got the worst of them done then, but since Kieran is here they're piling up at a ridiculous rate. I really need to teach him to wash dishes.

Of course, after sleeping so long my back hurts. Maggie, my old boss, sent me some prenatal yoga DVDs that I can't wait to break into.


windsornot said...

I remember being that tired for sure through most of my pregnancy. At the time, I was lucky because I was unemployed, so I could afford to sleep until 10 AM each morning. Bunky is telling you to rest, so try if you can. ;-)

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