Thursday, April 30, 2009

Out of the mouths of... um, whatever they are.

Just got a comment from someone on Facebook that completely mystified me, saying how exciting it must be that Kieran will finally have a sibling to play with.

Now this is someone who met me when Kieran was 13, so it's not like the 6 year old version of him is stuck in her head or anything. Of course I can't fault her for not knowing that Bunky will not be Kieran's first half-sibling; just his first from me. But the irony is that Kieran is walking away from the sibling he CAN play with, and that actually causes him more anxiety than anything else about moving here. A 16-year-old and a newborn can't be playmates, even when the newborn gets older; they are an entire generation apart. I just hope they wind up close in the way that I am with my aunt, who was 17 1/2 when I was born.

Sometimes I hate having 750+ friends on Facebook. Too many of them lack context. In the meantime, I'm still wondering how to tell my parents in 10 days; we're taking them to dinner for Mother's Day and plan to tell them then. I'm glad I have waited, because I'm a good deal more excited about it now than I was in March, but there's still a lot of trepidation.

Next week I have my nuchal translucency test on Tuesday, and I meet the midwife on Friday. Cross your fingers that everything comes out ok on the test and that the midwife is a good fit and doesn't bump me into high-risk category.


windsornot said...

I know of several sibling pairs that are that far apart, and they are fairly close, so I wouldn't worry about that. Kieran will put into the relationship with his new half-sibling what he can, and as long as there's love and admiration and respect for one another, it'll be fine.
Heck, JC and his half-brother, JA, are 21 years apart (so JC is old enough to be JA's dad!), and they even lived on different continents, but they are fairly close. Drew is about the same difference from JA as Kieran will be to Bunky, and Drew cried when he realized his uncle wasn't going to be living with us forever (after a 3 week visit last year). So, just because there's an age gap, doesn't mean there won't be a close relationship. It'll just be a different one than of siblings closer in age.

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