Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Not the Best Day

Last night, I started having weird cramps in my lower left abdomen. Not contraction-like cramps, but not particularly intestinal-like cramps. In fact, they reminded me of cramps I've had while ovulating, and as I was trying to describe my symptoms down to the nurse on the phone, I got to that one, and she said, "Ah. Chances are you have an ovarian cyst." It's either that or something going on in that specific part of the intestine, and either way is _probably_ not serious and needs to just pass on its own.

The pain is enough to distract me from working, so I go take a nap that winds up lasting four hours. So here it is 7 pm and I'm working again.

They told me if the pain got worse or if there was blood to go to the ER (severe pain can trigger a miscarriage, apparently), but otherwise drink plenty of fluids and keep them updated if it doesn't get any better.


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