Thursday, June 11, 2009

Yay! Maternity score! And Mom woes...

I just got done washing the first bag of maternity clothes I got from windsornot this past weekend, and hot damn! I now have enough clothes to get me through the winter. I was laughing at all the blue in the wardrobe, though; Dani, being a natural blonde, is definitely a summer whereas I'm generally an autumn. So perhaps I'll go for those highlights come third trimester. Thank you, dear, for all that lovely loot!

Mom and I got into our first parenting argument last night when she insisted she didn't want to buy me the fancy cloth diapers because they were so expensive. When I tried to explain to her that I was not going to be able to use cloth diapers full time she asked why, it was never a problem for her. I tried to explain that she, as a stay-at-home mom, had the ability to use cloth. "I have 8 weeks for that, tops, mom. Then I've got to hand Bunky over at least part of the week to a caregiver." I think it's patently ridiculous that I should have to argue these kinds of things with mom when I've actually BEEN here before--did sometime cloth, sometime disposable when Kieran was a baby too. At the same time, I think in many ways she's reacting as though this were her first grandchild because she frankly hasn't seen much of Kieran over the years.

Anyhow, I could hear her bristling. Yeah, mom, I'd love to be a stay at home Mom too. But I can't afford the mortgage even when I am working. And I know all too well the stay at home Moms I do know aren't sitting in some kind of rarefied lap of luxury, I just know that if I was one I'd be more inclined to full-time cloth diaper.


windsornot said...

You're welcome! Most of my pregnancy was in the winter and spring, so that would explain it. I can't help it, blue is my favorite color anyway, which would probably explain that part. (You know me, not exactly a girly pink person all that much.) As for being a natural blonde...well, maybe my skin coloring still reflects that, but I'm not as much of a "natural blonde" as I used to be anymore...

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