Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Week 24 - More Bzzting, and the Dreaded Glucose Test

Starting to worry about the vibrating sensation. It almost feels like I'm gestating a _cat_, it's so rumbly and purry. But then it feels like a shivering feeling. And then it goes back to just feeling like I swallowed a cellphone. So I called the midwife, and she got right back to me and confirmed that it was probably a pinched nerve causing a muscular tremor, sort of like the throbbing one occasionally gets under one's eye. But it also reminds me of the tremor that happens when you clench down really hard, and since I can't tell whether I'm feeling it from my own body or from the baby, I'm worried my baby is shivering.

But by the same token the baby is active and I can definitely tell that the baby changes position several times throughout the day, whereas this sensation is always toward the bottom back of my uterus. So it has to be me, but that doesn't stop me from being a worry-wart, because I never experienced this sensation in my previous pregnancy and so falls into the "wtf is that?" category.

Tomorrow is my glucose tolerance test. I've already done one of these, at the beginning of my pregancy, so I already know it's not as bad as it was the first time I was pregnant. But still, you wind up having some anxiety over these things.


Miracle Pending said...

I get cell phone vibrations as well from time to time. I've heard that it's the baby practicing his or her startle reflex. Freaks me out.

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