Now trying to get straightened out the fact that I requested the nuchal translucency test, which prescreens for some chromosomal disorders and can help rule out the need for an amnio later down the road. But I didn't get in with the specialist until May and that's too late for the NT test, so I asked my ob office what to do about that; have to remember to follow up on it tomorrow if they don't get back to me. My biggest fear in the world is that now that we've conceived, there might be something wrong with the baby.
Dean told me yesterday, much to my shock, that he would not have been surprised in himself if 2-3 years down the road he was singing a different tune about having kids, if indeed our roles would not have been reversed from what they were in 2005 when I was having regular crying jags about not having more kids. The older I get, the more afraid I am of the risks. But I also know that the women in our family are amazingly resilient when it comes to motherhood. My cousin, two years my junior, has a son who's a year older than Kieran, and two daughters under the age of 3. Those girls, Emie and Katie, are absolutely beautiful, too:
I'm a bit relieved that she named her older daughter the family matriarchal name (Emily goes back to my great-great grandmother) because the variant I'd have chosen if Bunky's a girl sounds horrid with Mosher. Emma Mosher. To much Em-ity, sounds more like a stutter than a name. But I'm still very very partial to something evocative of Julia's name--Jewel, Juliana, something like that. Dean's adamantly opposed to naming someone after a living person, so I'm trying to get around that by using a variant.
Anyhow. I'm trying to figure out a good way to surprise the parents and in-laws with the news; something fun that minimizes our cynicism and anxiety. If anything, they deserve the congratulations we keep getting, because I don't think either set thought they were getting more grandchildren, at least from us. Mom had finally stopped asking me about it (only to start asking when Rick was going to settle down... oi!) and this will probably crack her up.
Last thing for today--I am so annoyed by the lack of good maternity clothing patterns out there. Burda has the most, but still nothing that floats my boat especially. During my first pregnancy, my absolute favorite outfits were the ones my mom made for me. It also occurs to me that an online maternity clothing thrift store would be the absolute bomb, even if it operated on consignments.
It did occur to me that you are probably the same size that I was when I was pregnant with Drew, and that my maternity clothes would probably fit. But then again, alas, they are probably 8 years out of style, and may not be your style. Still, if something is better than nothing and you are interested, perhaps when you come up in the summer we can figure out a way to get them to you, along with anything else you can use, as mentioned before. You'll benefit, and you'll also be helping me to clear out my basement! ;-)
The less I have to spend on maternity clothes, the better! :D I mean, I would like to have one or two good outfits to wear when I have need of such, but the main place I'm hurting is in stuff I can wear to work. Since I lost a lot of weight already, I'm thinking I can make my clothes from last year work through a good bit of the 2d trimester, but I'll be at a loss come fall.
Right now I'm leaning toward July 4 weekend, so I'll keep you posted. :) And thanks, as always!!
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