Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Waking up this morning for my doctor's appt--my first prenatal with the obgyn practice I've picked--really sucked. I was disoriented and exhausted like I haven't felt in years. But I dragged myself up and headed north to Winchester, about 20 miles away, found the place ok, and signed in. Sat down among a ring of women at various stages of pregnancy. I felt so strange there. Realized that with Kieran, when I was on public assistance, I was at the health clinic until I was five months pregnant, at which time I was assigned an obstetric practice; so this was a first for me. For that matter, I got confirmation of my pregnancy at the health department. It was such a crazy time; George lost his job the same week I got pregnant, so it was all very strange. I also remember that the first time I heard Kieran's heartbeat, I was so excited that I walked all the way across Winchester to visit George at work and tell him about it.

A lot of these memories are coming back to me right now, actually.

But anyway, they call my name, and I go up, and they tell me they tried to reach me this morning to tell me that they needed to reschedule my appointment. Sigh. So I'd woken up feeling like hell only to be turned around. So I stopped by my old community college to visit with my old anatomy professor for a while.. and that turned into two hours. I'd only nibbled for breakfast so when lunchtime loomed, I realized I needed to eat; this was further confirmed when I realized that my stomach was lurching. There's a relationship between empty stomach and morning sickness--that's why it's most common in the morning. I still haven't actually heaved yet, but I came kinda close as I was walking back to my car.

So I got home, ate something, and immediately dozed off. by now it was about 1. I slept until 5:30. Woke up feeling sluggish. This sucks. I took these days off from work to be productive around the house, and I did manage to get a few things done, but not nearly what I had envisioned.

On top of all this I want salad like there's no tomorrow and I haven't made it to the store to buy greens.

Anyhow, I've rescheduled my dr appt to tomorrow afternoon, and I'm sleeping in tomorrow. Need a reset. It is, after all, a vacation.

In other news, it's really funny that my periodic emails from whattoexpect.com, WebMD and fitpregnancy.com always use food metaphors to talk about the size of Bunky. Last week, it was the size of a coffee bean. This week, it's a blueberry or a small raspberry. Next week, it will be the size of a grape and my uterus will be the size of a grapefruit. In two weeks, I'll have a strawberry, and then when I get to week 10, we'll promote it to seafood and say it's the size of a shrimp.. but then it goes back to fruit and turns into a lime.

At least it makes me laugh.


windsornot said...

I remember my first sonogram that JC called Drew a little lima bean. And my nephew was called "peanut" for a long time when he was still very small in utero. ;-)
I guess there's a connection between something happy and food, and that's why it's used for babies in utero. I mean, if you were told that your baby was the size of a Hot Wheels car, or the size of a large pink eraser, would that be more endearing? I don't think so. Hearing that it sounds like food is a little better somehow.

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